I love having somewhere to be super opinionated (and helpful!) about all things recruitment and talent acquisition. 😆
Here you’ll find the Recruitment Isn’t Broken newsletter, which restarts on April 3rd after a hiatus to write Reboot Hiring.
Further back are show recordings of Hear The Talent People with Glenn Martin, interviews in the series Let’s Talk Human-First HR Tech, summaries from The Hiring Partner Perspective podcast, podcast interviews I’ve been invited onto, and reruns of The #SocialRecruiting Show with Audra Night & Glenn Martin.
AI Snake Oil: Recruiters Beware
Recruiters, is it AI snake oil? For those of us who experienced the previous recruitment fads, the trend of placing...
Hiring Is Personal
Initially, hiring is personal! Think about it. It's your partnership with the manager, your understanding of who...
Ageism: TA Against TA
Enough with ageism! Over the last year or so, I have seen ageism play out repeatedly in the TA profession against...
Substitute? 3 Ways To Be An Unsubstitutable Recruiter
Can you substitute a recruiter with AI? Matt Ballantine wrote in a post last week: People will not be replaced by...
Stop Hiring Humans 🤦🏻
Can we really stop hiring humans? On Christmas Day, ironically, a post appeared in my Instagram feed screaming,...
Do More With Less 😩
Ditch 'do more with less'! 🙏🏻 If there was a phrase to be ditched, I wish 'do more with less' burned in a fiery...
🛑 Stop Chasing Hiring Managers!
Tired of chasing hiring managers for feedback? A few days ago, I asked for the number one reason that recruiters...
A Job Applicant Deluge!
How do you create connection under a job applicant deluge? Last week, Glen Cathey shared an update about,...
Is Your Hiring Manager Qualified?
What if your hiring manager isn't? I'm concerned for talent acquisition pros after the BS of the 2020s so far. I...
Anti Sh*t Tech
Sh*t tech has no place in hiring! Prem Kumar gets me! He said before our Live that I am anti sh*t tech. 💪🏻 I...
It’s Easier To Fix Mapped Processes
Too busy to create mapped processes? When talent acquisition is busy filling roles, just thinking about finding...
Calculating The Cost of Bad CandEx
CandEx: Is it possible to calculate the cost? As part of my series of Lives celebrating the launch of my new...
It’s Time To Celebrate Reboot Hiring
Let's celebrate Reboot Hiring! THANK YOU! 🤩 I cannot get over how many recruiters and TA pros have already ordered...
Why Reboot Hiring?
Reboot Hiring is nearly here! I didn't plan to be an author. It came as a surprise but not in the way you might...
Sexism or Humour: Where’s the Line?
Another post using sexism to garner likes 🙄 It is 2024. The patriarchy is falling. Women are rising. We understand...
Cruel CEO Playing With People’s Lives
This is not being cruel to be kind. Reading about the cruel email from Intuit's CEO has left me worried about those...
How To Be Disrespected By Hiring Managers
Disrespected! This is for those recruitment and talent acquisition professionals yearning to be replaced by AI 🤖...
5 Non-AI Time-Saving Microactions for Recruiters
AI buzz 🐝 I get the concerns of recruiters; the buzz around AI is incessant. It seems overwhelming; there is a...
53 Discoveries From Life & 20 Years In Recruitment (Part 3)
The final discoveries before I turn 53! These final 17 are the most personal things I have learned over the last 5+...
53 Discoveries From Life & 20 Years In Recruitment (Part 2)
So many life discoveries to share! If you missed part one, you'll find points 1 to 17 here. They are the most...
53 Discoveries From Life & 20 Years In Recruitment (Part 1)
Discoveries found Getting older is fascinating. I'll be dancing around my kitchen feeling like a 30-something, and...
Re AI: Are You In The 80 Or 20 Per Cent?
Pondering AI I'm back!! I hope you didn't miss me too much while I was furiously typing out my new book, Reboot...
3 Tips To Improve Talent Acquisition’s Perception
Talent Acquisition... what do they do again? It is optimistic to see so many new job notifications for talent...
The Value Of Self-Worth
If you were to work on one thing in 2024 that would help you feel calmer and happier, I would make it building your...
Why Are You A Recruiter?
Because maybe you shouldn't be a recruiter? Maybe in 2024, you should choose something else... I sure hope I leave...
GPT Reveals Itself
Please don't think GPT is a panacea for bias! I don't know what it is about the blind uptake of AI that is winding...
Footprints On Hearts
Yesterday evening, catching up with my wonderful friend Glenn Martin, I shared that I was meant to publish this...
Suppressing People: An Unpopular Opinion
A post about people suppressing people. How sad to have to write. I felt sad writing it. I wasn't even going to...
Stop Hunting Unicorns
No more unicorns! Recruiters, for the sake of your sanity, stop it! If you keep looking for unicorns instead of...
AI Won’t Fix This!
Did you miss me? While most were summer holidaying, I had a hiatus to write my memoir, The Damage of Words. I also...
Noise! Will they even see you in the GPT-saturated feed?
Thanks to the state of the economy, many recruiters are now on the receiving end of countless poor business...
How does GPT tinkered content make people feel?
Is your use of GPT giving the right impression? Last week I saw a comment about me and my book that blew me away. I...
A Cheap Hiring Solution Or A Con?
A waste of your time or a hiring solution? Take your salary and divide it by the number of weeks you work. Then...
Why Do You Accept Poor Hiring Manager Behaviour?
What do you gain by allowing poor hiring manager behaviour? I'm still on my global talent acquisition training...
Are You Hiring Managers Crazy?
In-house recruiters & talent acquisition, read this to your hiring managers - especially those who are acting...
Confronting A Biased Hiring Manager
What do you do with a biased hiring manager? I opened a can of worms. After each edition, lovely readers send me...
To truly celebrate women and reduce sexism…
We women need to stop doing this too 😬 As many readers know, I am writing a new book called Conquer Hiring. It is...
🚩 Never Hire Rejected Candidates
'Our company's policy is to never hire rejected candidates' 😲 I sometimes fear I'll run out of things to rant about...
Identify Your Recruitment Blockers
You may have seen my LinkedIn post/poll last week about Recruiting Hell on Reddit. I made the mistake of popping in...
Monumental Red Flag!
This red flag stopped me talking! This is my 20th year in the recruitment/TA industry so to be left speechless by a...
2023: Leaving A No BS Legacy
As this is my first article of the year - HAPPY NEW YEAR beloved reader, subscriber, and especially those who read...
Recruiters, 5 Things To Leave In 2022
Recruiters, 5 things to leave behind! Wow, this is my last article for 2022! Ok, I could squeeze one more in but I...
Don’t Hire Unless You Can Keep Them
Hear The T̶a̶l̶e̶n̶t̶ People! Ep. 8: Don't Hire Unless You Can Keep Them Chief Talent Navigator & founder of...
2022, The Recruiting Rollercoaster
Recruiting rollercoaster, it's up, it's down... or is it up? 🎢 While the press is focused on the doom & gloom...
Recruiting In Ambiguity
Are we recruiting in ambiguity? Who knows! My feed is full of layoffs. My feed is also full of new starters &...
5 Reasons Talent Acquisition Pros Fail
Are Talent Acquisition pros being set up to fail? Last week I had a ball speaking at #LDNLive22 about 'Handling...
Hiring for Climate & Sustainability Startups
Hear The T̶a̶l̶e̶n̶t̶ People! Ep. 5: Hiring for Climate & Sustainability Startups Climate change is on the...
Hiring Managers Are Human Too!
Hiring Managers; They're Only Human! Sitting between the candidate and the hiring manager can feel like being in an...
Hiring For Environmental Impact Startups
Hear The T̶a̶l̶e̶n̶t̶ People! Ep. 4: Hiring For Environmental Impact Startups Don't let the dull sounding title...
Talent Acquisition Is A Cost Centre, Right? 🤨
A cost centre! How often do you hear Talent Acquisition called this? The people who bring in the people, therefore...