AI Snake Oil: Recruiters Beware

AI Snake Oil: Recruiters Beware

Recruiters, is it AI snake oil? For those of us who experienced the previous recruitment fads, the trend of placing AI in front of everything is all too familiar. Of course, this means we have also been around the block and have a healthy cynicism about what is real...
Hiring Is Personal

Hiring Is Personal

Initially, hiring is personal! Think about it. It’s your partnership with the manager, your understanding of who they need to hire, and your job to go and find them. You then engage, woo, convert, reassure, support, cajole and more to convert them from a...
Ageism: TA Against TA

Ageism: TA Against TA

Enough with ageism! Over the last year or so, I have seen ageism play out repeatedly in the TA profession against their TA peers. You’ve probably seen it too—hundreds of experienced TA pros knocked out of processes for lame excuses that barely shield the truth....
Stop Hiring Humans 🤦🏻

Stop Hiring Humans 🤦🏻

Can we really stop hiring humans? On Christmas Day, ironically, a post appeared in my Instagram feed screaming, “Stop Hiring Humans!” The image below was the one that stopped me. Who in their right mind plasters stop hiring humans all over San Francisco? A...