Why Reboot Hiring?

by | Aug 14, 2024

Reboot Hiring is nearly here!

I didn’t plan to be an author. It came as a surprise but not in the way you might expect.

In 2018, in a marketing and business workshop, KarenΒ Skidmore conductedΒ a meditation, taking us on a journey to a future date, asking us to look back over the previous twelve months, to see all we had achieved.

To my great surprise, I saw a published business book! That was not in my plans.

Sure enough, not long later, I was approached by Kogan Page – with many thanks to Perry Timms – and asked if I would like to write a book. Me who failed Year 11 English and doesn’t hold a degree; me! 🀯 But I knew exactly what I wanted to write about!!

I officially became an author on August 3rd, 2019 with the publication of Edition 1 of The Robot-Proof Recruiter.

Any author will tell you that writing their first book is hard! It’s not just the physical effort to keep tapping the keys. It’s the time away from easier or more joyful tasks including time with loved ones. It’s the research, the fact-checking, the sense-making, the writer’s block, and the endless rewording of a sentence (that might just be me, though).

Then there is the enormous vulnerability that comes from expressing your opinion in black and white over 230 or so pages. I remember ugly crying when I submitted the final draft of Edition 1 of The Robot-Proof Recruiter because I felt like I was about to run down the road stark naked!

Thankfully though, you all got behind it, wrote lovely reviews, and bright orange Edition 2 was published in 2022.

Hankering for a second book

Some authors swear never again! Others, like me, get an itch to write. It might be an idea that’s brewing or a gap on the bookshelf.

Entering 2022, I yearned to write because I believe your (hiring) managers and leaders need a new one. It took me time to get to it; work took me globe-trotting and I wrote my memoir first. However, with thanks to Shereen Daniels and her introduction to Wiley earlier this year, I finally finished my second business book!

Reboot Hiring will be published on the 28th – 5 years after my first book.

Let’s Reboot Hiring

For over 12 years on stages on 5 continents, and over 5 years via The Robot-Proof Recruiter, I have been asking you to be human and use tech to support not hinder the hiring process.

Yet, in the 2020s Talent Acquisition has been put through the wringer and things have become considerably worse. The function is often undervalued and underfunded, and its people are burning out. They cannot create change alone; I felt they needed an outsider, to champion their cause through an easy-to-read, yet impactful, book.

Then with all the buzz around AI, I started seeing companies genuinely trying to hire without people! Though we know it will be a total πŸ’© show, there is a good chance that TA will be thrown out with the bathwater again as they have a go.

What recruiters usually know, that leaders don’t fully understand, is that technology will never fix a manager’s inability to articulate who they need to hire, nor its poor translation into flakey job descriptions that are then used to parse against poorly written CVs. (Hilke Schellmann, who kindly wrote my Foreword, addresses the flaws and bias in parsing in her book, The Algorithm; another issue that cannot be ignored.)

So, I wrote Reboot Hiring to address the articulation issues, the unrealistic want of unicorns, the impact of poor behaviour, and explain the value of Talent Acquisition and partnering with recruiters. It says what many recruiters feel they cannot express and it addresses the foolhardiness of all of these:

Items addressed in Reboot Hiring

Reboot Hiring is candid.

It’s gritty, just like The Robot-Proof Recruiter.

It’s overflowing with advice from me and 60 of your peers.

It aims to fix the human connection between recruiters and (hiring) managers so they save time, money and hassle (and you save your sanity and time, money and hassle!)

πŸ†˜ Reboot Hiring needs your help!

With your assistance, we can create the momentum needed to start change.

Consider it your opportunity to make a difference to our profession, your fellow recruiters and, most of all, the people currently stuck in a hiring process!

Please order a copy of Reboot Hiring today.

It won’t make me rich (If bought on Amazon for the current Β£15 price, I will receive 60p after tax) but the pre-orders will help Reboot Hiring gain the attention of booksellers. Then they will promote it, more managers and company leaders will see it, and it can work more magic.

πŸ”— Read more and pre-order it via the info here.


Plus, if you order it by August 28th you can redeem some goodies here! Includes, an invitation to the online book launch and more, depending on how many copies you buy.

I know, I know, the audacity!

But I didn’t write Reboot Hiring for me; I know how to handle hiring managers, address -isms and phobias, deliver a great experience, show my value, maintain my mental health, and not be perceived as a cost-centre service function.

I wrote it for your (hiring) managers and company leaders.

I wrote it for job seekers and candidates.

Mostly, I wrote it to give you a voice.



Image of the book Reboot Hiring with its bright yellow cover

Specifically written for your hiring managers and company leaders!

Where next?


Everything hiring managers need to save time, money & hassle.


Everything talent acquisition needs to fix human hiring issues.


For talent acquisition in need of a safe space to think & grow.


To management or recruiter audiences globally.