Everything we’re doing is all for them!
If you’re going to talk about working remotely, who better to come on the show than Tange Pettis. She has a 20-year career in recruitment and has been remote for 15 of those years!. As an agency recruiter,
“You need to move fast, get things done quickly, and think on your own. You can’t just go running for help.”
During the COVID-19 climate, Tangie actually has been furloughed, however, this isn’t stopping her – “some people take a pause, I go on action!”.
Why should you listen to Tangie? – While recruiting for Hiring Managers they didn’t realise she was working remotely. How did she do this?. When she started she was “the Skype Queen, I did everything on Skype”. Giving Hiring Managers facetime, high-touch service, and being reachable whenever she was needed, this resulted in rave reviews!
What about the first Hiring Manager meeting?. Tangie’s response
“Whenever I start any new role, I find out who the key players are in terms of the Hiring Managers and I build that relationship with them. It’s the first phone call! It’s getting to know them. In preparation, I do research on them but this is something recruiters don’t even think about, this encompasses everything from the company Bio to their accomplishments.”
Ask for your one shot!
Talking about how she approaches different Hiring Manager expectations, Tangie reveals her 3 types of Hiring Manager – the Over-Generaliser, the Sceptic and the Best Recruiter. To manage these individuals “be prepared, prepare examples of success stories to build credibility” and you’ve got to be prepared to ask “for your one shot!”.
Communication is key at any time, it’s really important when working remotely. “What is your best method of contact – because if I’m calling you the Hiring Manager on your best method of contact and I’m not getting you, then I know there is a problem and we can follow up and adjust”.
As a seasoned recruitment professional, she provides advice for all recruiters.
“Don’t be afraid when you have a tough search week” because “being upfront, honest and over-communicating is your best bet!”.
If that wasn’t enough, below you’ll hear Tangie talk about:
- Get to know your Hiring Manager
- How to prepare for the Recruitment Intake Meeting
- How to build credibility with Hiring Managers
- The power of strong Hiring Manager relationships
- Accountability and ownership in the Recruiter-Hiring Manager partnership
- Manage Hiring Managers expectations of the candidate market
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