by Katrina Collier | Jun 8, 2022 | The Hiring Partner Perspective
Educating upwards will help you deliver a better candidate experience You may know Lisa Haggar as the self-described ‘lass with sass’ on LinkedIn or perhaps from her 3 decades contributing to the HR profession. Either way, she is a brilliant person to talk...
by Katrina Collier | May 24, 2022 | The Hiring Partner Perspective
Tips for partnering with your hiring managers! It was a thrill to speak to & giggle with my good friend, Sue Ingram. An executive coach and a trainer who shows managers how to get extraordinary work out of perfectly ordinary people, and how to have feedback...
by Katrina Collier | Mar 2, 2022 | The Hiring Partner Perspective
Employer: See Me, Protect Me, Respect Me! Reading Jess Von Bank’s post, “Stop filling reqs and start providing safety. Address the toll of fear and create a culture of hope and health. Do nothing but obsess over the care and nurturing of your own people, and you...
by Katrina Collier | Feb 16, 2022 | The Hiring Partner Perspective
The freedom to choose how to work Molly Johnson-Jones shared a post on LinkedIn that stated ‘“By removing the need to have a ‘reason’ to request flexibility and giving everyone the freedom to choose how to work, we can make true progress on gender equality.” but...
by Katrina Collier | Feb 2, 2022 | The Hiring Partner Perspective
Is fear of change or loss aversion impacting hiring? After seeing Mark Gilroy’s fabulous YouTube video about change, (not the one where he’s singing that song 😉 ), I wanted to know more and how recruiters can influence change. A self-confessed professional psychology...
by Katrina Collier | Jan 17, 2022 | The Hiring Partner Perspective
Ghosted & rejected candidates matter most! The moment I saw Lee Andrese, write, “Dear Hiring Managers & Leaders – YOU are the candidates. Ghosting candidates after they’ve spent SIX HOURS with you? Shame on you.” I knew I had to know...