Anti Sh*t Tech

by | Oct 9, 2024

Sh*t tech has no place in hiring!

Prem Kumar gets me! He said before our Live that I am anti sh*t tech. πŸ’ͺ🏻

I remember smelly blue rollered photocopies in the 1970s, Beta and VHS players in the 1980s, and the excitement of owning a typewriter with a correction key in the early 1990s; no more Tippex! The joy that came from shifting from a corded to a cordless phone and using my first remote. I recall using my first computer, email and mobile phone and the life-changing impact of the internet. I began working from home in 2009 using a browser, Skype and mobile. As a Gen-X, I have embraced plenty of technological change and ditched plenty of sh*t tech.

It is amusing how many HR tech vendors erroneously think I hate tech because my first book is titled The Robot-Proof Recruiter. Thankfully, readers know the truth!

Not everyone can do recruitment, though everyone likes to think they can. So, I dislike technology that is created by someone who has never spent time finding, engaging, wooing, negotiating, and everything else entailed with keeping people in a hiring process and converting them to a new starter, for another person.

The best technology for talent acquisition or agencies is created by or with the input of recruiters and enables the delivery of a better experience for hiring managers, talent acquisition/recruiters and candidates. It creates ease! It supports and enables.

The best technology vendors listen to their clients and don’t add unnecessary steps or block progress. Their tech doesn’t cause a TA pro to burst into tears because all the extra clicks in the new system flared up their carpel tunnel. It doesn’t lead to a deluge of applications and undue stress because it doesn’t allow knock-out questions per role. And that’s just the first two examples I thought of!

Keeping it real

I avoid the vendor agenda; promoting tech for gain whether it helps recruiters or not. I only standby technology that saves you time, money and hassle. If you see my name associated with technology, know I rate it because I see the bigger and more concerning picture.

As company leaders face pressure from boards and shareholders to outcompete with technology and cut costs, TA pros must know what technology is available, realistic, and its limitations. I teach my clients in workshops and mentoring, to be ready to prove why AI cannot replace talent acquisition; they know how to show their value, and provide wisdom and possible solutions, that make the C-suite see them as strategic.

Ask vendors tough questions – this is not the time for people-pleasing.

At IHR Live last week, I asked a vendor about bias in the tool. His arms crossed as he said, ‘Humans are biased!’ I replied, ‘Indeed they are but I just told the overflowing crowd at my talk to drill into how the algorithms are created and how you are mitigating against bias.’ Only then did he explain and uncross his arms.

Repeatedly I ask vendors, how does this save recruiters and managers time, money and hassle? How does this deliver value and a better experience to the users and poor people stuck in the hiring process?

Don’t be fobbed off by any vendors. You need this information to have realistic and knowledgeable conversations with leadership. (Also read Matt Charney’s thoughts in this piece! I cannot wait for the follow-up.)

Not sh*t tech

Right before I was to chat with Prem about Humanly’s Conversational AI, I read this post from Martyn Redstone. He knows a lot about the topic and explains tech in layman’s terms, which is super helpful. Be sure to subscribe to his newsletter too.

Anti Sh*t Tech Katrina Collier

I was introduced to Humanly by Bennett Sung, and have mentioned their tech in both my first book and Reboot Hiring, so it is fair to say I am a fan. However, if Prem had attempted to fob me off or evaded my questions, he’d have lost trust. Instead, he answered me clearly and without defensiveness.

My favourite part of their tech is the ‘flight recorder box’ which helps mitigate against bias or unfairness. To know how Humanly’s conversational AI helps high-volume recruiters and desk-less employees save time, money and hassle when hiring, give it a listen!

Other not sh*t tech

I have a long list of tech I love for its ability to support the work I do and help you all.

What’s your favourite tech? What makes it so?

What questions do you like to ask vendors before buying tech?


Image of the book Reboot Hiring with its bright yellow cover

Specifically written for your hiring managers and company leaders!

Where next?


Everything hiring managers need to save time, money & hassle.


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