Invest In The People Who Recruit Your People | @SofiaBroberger on The #SocialRecruiting Show

by | Oct 6, 2019

Invest in your employees; let them learn at work!

Providing time for employees to invest in self-study and self-learning is becoming an ever-increasingly important consideration for employees; with this subject in mind, we invited Sofia Broberger onto the show to share her advice for employers.

Sofia has had a successful career as a tech recruiter and sourcer and has made the transition to a freelance consultant; as she tells us, her

“Main reason for going freelancing was to have more time to invest in myself” and now she “trains recruiters and sourcers to look beyond LinkedIn.”

During the show, Sofia tells us about the importance of investing in your employees and how she discovered the value of this through her own personal journey as she wanted the flexibility to decide, “today I’m only going to read blogs” or how she wanted to attend “a conference per month” for her own personal development.

Giving employees time to learn

Whilst acknowledging the challenges for employers, Sofia reasons that there are benefits for businesses who ask their employees “what is that they feel they want to do?” and then provide them with the time to trial ideas; 

“If you spend a day and it fails, that should be okay,  forget about KPI’s and encourage discussion and trying things at work.”

Sofia also encourages employers to continue to offer training and development and agrees that “some training is better than nothing”, however, she advises employers to “listen to their employees” as being offered training is like “the feeling of being given a gift from your employer” – and let’s be honest, nobody wants a crap gift!

If that wasn’t enough, below you’ll hear Sofia talk about:


  • The benefits of life as a freelance recruiter 
  • Getting the most out of the conference experience 
  • Sharing your challenges to find better solutions 
  • Taking time to plan your self-learning and development
  • Joining Sofia’s online book club
  • Getting the most out of Facebook groups  

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